What is the difference between PCB and PWB?

If you are working in electronics manufacturing fields or studying this subject, you will indeed have the chance to hear the two terms, PCB and PEB. There are subtle differences between these two items, and it is pretty hard to term them in an official manner. However, if you are interested to know them all, then here are they will all the details: Industry Definitions The word PWB is the short form of printed wiring board technology. So far, the opinions of the software specialists are concerned. The term is generally referred to as the substrate typically used in epoxy glasses to provide interconnections and component attachments for creating a properly functioning electric circuit. On the other hand, a Printed Circuit Board or PCB happens to be the width, which is measured side to side. It is a multi-layer relationship of the conductor, and it is fully designed for offering specific operational effects of the circuit. It is not only a point-to-point connection. The underly...